Walk and Weft
Isabel bag with zip, as requested by... Isabel!
Posted by Daniel Paulo on
Having decided to name our bags after relations, we suddenly found that an Isabel bag had been sold... to Daniel's sister Isabel! Of course the bag was named after her, and she said that her favourite colours were all there in the bag. She did ask for a zip on it, so Ann went to work to figure this out. The result is we now do have a zipped variation for the Isabel bag!
New products
Posted by Daniel Paulo on
Edinburgh Yarnfest
Posted by Ann Cruickshanks on
Had a nice day at Edinburgh Yarnfest last Saturday. This festival is mostly for hand knitting but I found plenty of stuff to inspire me. Edinburgh Yarn Fest website Daniel and I took our motorhome up to the Caravan Club site which is north of the city centre and we had a very busy weekend exploring and using the excellent bus service to get about.
Ann's Tweed is born
Posted by Ann Cruickshanks on
Today, Daniel and I have signed up to Shopify and have started to build our website. For a few months I have been very busy creating bags and now we are ready to show them to the world.