Estamos vendiendo uno de nuestros telares Hattersley.

Publicado por Ann Cruickshanks en

Por falta de uso, ponemos a la venta nuestro segundo Telar Doméstico Hattersley (marca 1), con 2 lanzaderas y 30 pirnas. Está en perfecto estado, totalmente reformado por nosotros. Hay una deformación aproximada en la máquina que pusimos cuando la ensamblamos por primera vez y no hemos usado desde entonces.

Cada parte de esta máquina se ha hecho bien, se ha reemplazado parte de la madera y todo el cuero. Es bueno por muchos años más.

Estamos buscando £ 2500 para esto y si está interesado, póngase en contacto.

2 comentarios

  • Hi Charlene,
    Yes, the Loom sold last year. We did convert that loom from motorised back to manual. Your best bet for information would be to get hold of the manual for the Tweed course that was run on Harris – it’s called “A Handbook for Weavers in the Harris Tweed Industry”. I’m pretty sure that PDFs of this are available on the Hattersley Loom Facebook group.
    It contains a comprehensive description on how to build and use the loom.

    Daniel Paulo en

  • Hello; I was just wondering whether you have sold your Hattersley (I see that this AD is dated Feb. 2022) I have corresponded before I think, (although I cannot locate the email) You had/have two Hattersleys? Was one Hattersley motorized? I’m restoring a Mk1 Hattersley – having dismantled the entire loom, sanded, stripped and am ready to have the parts powder coated before reassembling. I have a number of pieces broken and have a metal artist helping to reconstruct. I have the parts list and the drawing sheets of the pieces but am challenged with what I think to be an insufficient level of knowledge. Thanks for any feedback – Charlene (The Barn on Pender) Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada.

    Charlene Thompson en

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